The Global Climate Platform


Friday, 05, July, 2024


Waste to Energy. Technologies to turn landfills into clean fuel refineries producing high-grade diesel and sustainable aviation fuel from municipal solid waste. Solves multiple challenges: Landfills, GHG emissions, and energy independence, Renewable fuels. Highly profitable. Capital intensive. About $300 million per plant and offering IRRs approaching 30%.  It is the use of three proven core technologies that when used in concert have the capacity to take municipal waste (as well as medical waste, and sewage) and turn it into renewable gas and diesel, hydrogen, and sustainable aviation fuels. This technology addresses the Landfill problem and can address the intractable plastic waste challenge with a fully circular solution, turning plastic back into petroleum.


Faster Microprocessors. A new microprocessor architecture that runs far faster and consumes far less energy resulting in a dramatic reduction in water and energy consumption for Data Centers but with broad applications into virtually all areas of our information economy. The company has been working closely with the US Department of Defense and with NASA which has plans to use as it is the only processor capable of the speed required of such advanced projects as deep space exploration. Runs about 3 times faster than the fastest processors produced by Intel and Nvidia and uses about 30% less energy. Raising $10 million now, much more later.


Water and Energy. Can deliver water and energy to communities. Desalination plants Powered by geothermal bring water and energy to communities to create fully integrated smart cities. This is a massive infrastructure to create enclaves of new cities the needed water and energy to make new sustainable cities possible. Desalination facilities and geothermal and other energy sources, (such as described in #1) can enable the creation of fully sustainable, circular industrial development integrated into circular communities. The project has secured massive funding support from the insurance industry to fills the gap that governments can’t address. Raising about $200 million in equity. $2 billion in debt already secured.


Clean Steel.  The high-temperature pyrolysis technology developed by the company can provide the energy for heavy industrial manufacturing (steel) fuel the manufacture of steel at 50% carbon intensity of current methods. Steelmaking is the single largest contributor to climate with 7% of GHG emissions. This high-temperature pyrolysis (HTP) technology can also be applied to other energy-intensive needs such as the manufacture of Aluminum. Can take any other biologic carbon and create Hydrogen, Renewal natural gases. Like Project #1 Pyrolysis is the core technology for which the company holds numerous patents. The future of clean industrial. $30 million being raised in a secondary offering.


Impact Finance.  Combining leverage and liquidity, this project is a new financial instrument to unlock vast amounts of capital held by impact investment funds in the form of illiquid securities. The project acquires these securities and issues new tradable securities secured by bonds. The sellers of these securities give up most of their upside (80%) in these investments but also their downside (as they are now backed by the bond issuers). They are motivated to do this to achieve liquidity by converting to the new tradable security and as important they gain leverage capacity to recirculate the capital into new investments. $10 million now sought to launch.

WIND ENERGY DRONES. Generating 2 x the wind energy with only 10% of the material of traditional wind turbines will be a huge advantage for the energy security and transition to a decarbonized world. LINK

SINGLE HOME SOLAR ELECTRICITY. A software and hardware system to provide electricity to sub–Saharan Africans for $1 per month.  Now delivering electricity to nearly 2 million. Capable of scaling to 100 million.

FLOATING WIND TURBINE Because it is not anchored in the sea bottom, it can be put farther out to sea and dramatically increases the access to wind. The floating model has a far lower cost than traditional wind turbines, vastly increasing the potential for wind.

CHANGING THE GRID. Enables two-way flow of electricity to change energy. Elexys turns today’s legacy one-way grids into two-way smart grids. No need to spend billions of dollars on infrastructure and equipment upgrade. LINK

The Global Climate Platform